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と言ってい(まし)た puts that position in a past context (contd) – Tim Mar 6 '14 at 1330 (contd) so if that person died after maintaining that position for a certain period of time, we might use the past imperfect tense (と言っていました) to refer to that position that existed forJapanese と言っています grammar toiiteimasu JLPT level N4 Formation Vる/た , Nだ、Aい、A(な)だ+と言っています Meaning and how to use Expresses the meaning of "Say that/said that" To convey the words of someone that are still true to the present In many cases, it is used to quote sayings in third person胎児に全前脳胞症の診断 中絶を選んだ妊婦が明かした「絶対に人に言ってはいけないこと」 Tweet 第2子妊娠中の妊婦(40代)が、妊娠17週時の そこまで言って委員会np 公式 Sokomade Np Twitter 言ってはいけない場所